The Majestic Art of Tamegroute Ceramics
Have you ever wondered about the exquisite green and mustard-coloured ceramics we have in store? These are known as Tamegroute ceramics, and they have been produced in the small village of Tamegroute for centuries. Let’s explore why these ceramics are so special.
The origins
The story of Tamegroute ceramics is believed to have originated in the 11th century when craftsmen from Morocco’s southern region came to the village of Tamegroute to set up a pottery workshop. Over time, the potters developed their unique style of glazing and decorating that distinguishes their work from other Moroccan pottery. In addition to using traditional techniques such as hand-painting and firing in kilns, they also created unique motifs that have become synonymous with their work. The materials used to create these unique pieces are also quite special. The clay used is natural, unrefined clay which is collected locally by villagers in the nearby hillsides. It is then mixed with sand or crushed quartz before being shaped and fired at high temperatures. This results in a very durable material that holds up well over time and can be used both indoors and outdoors.
A glimpse into Morocco
Today, many families continue the tradition of making beautiful Tamegroute ceramics. Each piece is handcrafted with care, making it one-of-a-kind and highly sought after by collectors and interior designers alike. Not only do these pieces provide a stunningly beautiful decoration for any home or space, but they also provide a glimpse into Morocco’s rich history and culture—and an appreciation for the traditional craftsmanship that has been passed down through generations.
One-of-a-kind pieces
Tamegroute ceramics are a true testament to Moroccan craftsmanship, artistry, and history—all rolled into one! These pieces are uniquely beautiful with their bright colours, intricate patterns, and timeless designs; not only do they add charm wherever they go but also bring with them a story full of culture and heritage from centuries past.
Whether you’re looking for something special to decorate your home or just want to learn more about this unique form of artistry from Morocco, there’s no doubt that you’ll be captivated by the beautiful Tamegroute ceramics we have to offer!
New arrivals
Our newest, carefully curated collection will be landing in mid-April.
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